Cast AI API Documentation


Cast AI provides a RESTful API that allows you to integrate our advanced crypto market analysis capabilities into your own applications. To use the API, you’ll need:

  • A Solana wallet with at least 1,000,000 $CASAI tokens
  • An API key (obtain from dashboard)
  • Basic knowledge of REST APIs

Getting Started

To start using the Cast AI API:

  1. Connect your wallet with 1,000,000 $CASAI tokens
  2. Generate an API key
  3. Use the API key in your requests


Authentication requires both your API key and a wallet address holding the required $CASAI tokens. Include both in your request body.

  "api_key": "cast_your_api_key",
  "wallet_address": "your_solana_wallet_address",
  "message": "Your analysis request"


Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Request advanced market analysis and predictions.

Example Request:

					fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    wallet_address: 'your_solana_wallet_address',
    api_key: 'cast_your_api_key',
    message: 'Forecast SOL price for next week'

Example Request:

  "response": {
    "forecast": "SOLANA PRICE: $123.45\n\nFORECAST:\n24H: $125.67 ±$2.34\n7D: $130.89 ±$5.67\n30D: $145.67 ±$10.23\n\nSUPPORT LEVELS:\n• S1: $118.90\n• S2: $115.45\n\nRESISTANCE LEVELS:\n• R1: $127.80\n• R2: $132.40\n\nCONFIDENCE: 85%\nRISK LEVEL: MEDIUM"

Error Handling

400 Bad Request

Missing or invalid parameters

401 Unauthorized

Invalid API key

403 Forbidden

Insufficient $CASAI tokens

429 Too Many Requests

Rate limit exceeded

500 Internal Server Error

Server-side error

Rate Limits

The API is rate-limited to ensure fair usage:

  • 100 requests per minute per API key
  • 2000 requests per day per API key
  • Maximum request size: 4KB